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You are a miracle of life, connected to everything and everyone in the Universe.  You have a cell of the Divine within you.  Let the light within you shine from within your heart into your life and everything you come in contact with.

Investing in you and in your relationship to self-care and self-love brings deep healing and transformation

Our Services


Holistic Healing

When you need healing on all levels, this is a good place to start.  I use many different techniques to work with your body, your nervous system, your meridian system, your chakras and energetics.


Repattern & Reframe

Shift and transform past experiences that pull you out of authenticity and love, opening the door to  your heart, to more fulfilling relationships and to your full potential.



Spiritual Clearing

Would you like to root out themes, patterns, energies, lifetimes so that you can live in the now without the weight of the unresolved energies of the past?




Sound Bath

Relax among the sounds of magical instruments that help you heal, relax, and align with your heart


Animal Healing & Communication

Do you need help working with health issues, emotional issues with your animal companion?  Would you like to create a better relationship with your furry family member(s)?


Astrological Clearing

Work with your astrological blueprint to bring greater fulfillment in life and a deeper understanding of yourself


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